ROBUS 2024 Catalogue
Our Brand New Contractor App
Stay up to date with industry trends and real-world applications of our products.
# 9th Year as One of Ireland's Best Managed Companies by Deloitte In China, nine is considered a lucky number because it is the largest single-digit number, symbolising longevity. It is also associated with royalty, particularly the Emperor of China, who had nine dragons embroidered on his robe. Wh
# What Lighting Conversion Do You Need? We Convert 99.9% of Luminaires. “What’s the best night light for nursing homes?” This question was put to us by an electrical contractor attending a customer visit at our HQ in Dublin. A simple question, easily answered by dimmable downlights. But sometimes t
# ESG Update: Circular Design, Greener Packaging & Carbon Offsetting We are now in the third year of our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) journey! How are we getting on? A quote from our [ESG guide]( comes to mind: “A
# EDATA Gold Status: Easy Access Product Data for Our Wholesalers The EDATA, “the ‘by the industry for the industry’ data pool”, was set up by the Electrical Distributors’ Association to make sharing product information that customers need easier. For manufacturers, getting set up with [EDATA](http
# How to Use the VEGAS LED Strip Calculator Have you tried our VEGAS LED Strip Calculator? It’s the easiest way to find out exactly what you need for your next LED strip project. Open up the [calculator]( now and you’ll find the following step-by-step guide to ge
# We Are a Member of the Electrical Contractor’s Association (ECA) The Electrical Contractor's Association (ECA) is an esteemed organisation with a rich history spanning over a hundred years. As a leading association in the electrotechnical and engineering services industry, the ECA has continuousl